Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where there's a will there's a way....

Where there's a will there's a way
Meaning: If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it..

I heard this saying the other day and it got me to thinking about what I'm doing here on this blog. I thought about what this saying really means: If we have the determination to do something, we can ALWAYS find the way.

My husband told me we have the WORST sex life out of any married couple out there. Does this picture look familiar? Although she's playing cards on his back, he's ok because at least he's gettin some ass! Well, it looked familiar to me, though I don't play cards. It wasn't always like this. There was once a time when I felt sexy, and I ENJOYED sex. I really got into it. I liked being wanted. Now I just feel and act put out if my husband mentions it. I don't want to be the couple in this picture, do you?

It seems to in order to get our sex life (and marriage) back on track for me or anyone out there reading this that feel their relationship is in same boat, you have to start with a "WILL" to get it on track. So I asked myself: "am I willing to do what it takes to start having sex again on a regular basis, and not just have it to have it, but to ENJOY it and grow closer because of it?" And the answer for me was "YES"

I asked MYSELF the questions because the more I blog and self discover the more I realize that It is A LOT more about ME than I thought. It starts with me and what I need to do.

I think I'm on the right track as far as the "WAY" part goes. I'm working on myself. I'm making my husband a priority in my DAILY life. And with blogging it's helped to see that I'm not alone.

With that: I would like to interview a man and women for a post on my blog. ( it doesn't have to be a couple) I will email you a list of questions to answer that I feel would dig deeper into the sex life of married people from others perspectives. I would LOVE to see that we are not alone and that we can all (men and women) start working together to have healthier sex lives. I don't know about the rest of you but I want to feel YOUNG for a very long time and being active in the bedroom I feel will help that, a preferably with the one we love. SO, if you are interested in being interviewed for this blog, it can be anonymous or not please email me at :

Donation Update: I just hit the $20 mark! YEA!! So, my husband is in for something special. (tomorrows post) Thanks for the comments, suggestions and donations!! My goal is to have my miles walked caught up with donations by Wednesday Sept. 30th and remember, giving is receiving!!



  1. I have some seriously GREAT ideas for your hubby... I will play your email game... But I am not sure if you want me... LOL

  2. walkin, walkin, walkin....Boy your ass is talkin!!! Walk some more!! lol!
