Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another MALE comment! YEA!

I got another comment. Seems he's upset about the "YOU BIG TEASE" post. I would like to share…..

"How about you focus on what your husband does do and not what he doesn’t do. I’m sure he isn’t at home thinking all about what the hell you’re not doing, other than maybe thinking about the sex you’re obviously not giving him. Women and Men have gone through this since the beginning of time this isn’t anything new. It’s on both sides of the fence though. It sure seems easy for women to talk to everyone else about a problem other than the person they need too. You should probably give your husband some respect and talk to him. If he doesn’t listen then you have a lot worse off problems "communication is the key"Also if he isn’t offended by all this than he already gave you the pants to wear so you might as well just give him chores like an 8yr old child.Have fun with your day dreams!"

WOW, struck a cord, hit a nerve?? so here we go…to address your statement “focus on what your husband does do and not what doesn’t do.” Fair enough. I PROMISE my next post will be about all the things he does right and why I love him. BUT, in my defense my blog isn’t about what my husband does, it’s about why I don’t want to have “SEX” Not is it about why I don’t “LOVE” my husband, I DO. (Refer to “BLURRY LINES “post)
Your comment: “I’m sure he’s not at home thinking about what the hell you’re not doing, other than maybe the sex you’re not giving” Your right, I’m SURE he’s thinking about the sex he’s not getting, BUT if he focused on WHY IT IS he’s not getting it instead of the fact he’s not getting it maybe he WOULD GET IT! Get it?
Your comment: “It sure seems easy for women to talk to everyone else about a problem other than the person they need too”
After 14 years of marriage, TRUST ME, we’ve talked. And women have to talk to other women due to the fact that men think differently and DON’T UNDERSTAND! So when women talk to their friends and see that they too are going through similar things, it feels good to know your NORMAL!
Your comment:
“You should probably give your husband some respect and talk to him. If he doesn’t listen then you have a lot worse off problems. communication is the key.” I do respect my husband whether you think so or not. We do communicate all the time. That doesn’t always lead to resolution. Men and women think differently about sex period….. No amount of communication is going to change that.
Your comment: “Also if he isn’t offended by all this than he already gave you the pants to wear so you might as well just give him chores like an 8yr old child”
He knows about my blog and I have read him some of the post. We have laughed our asses off. He hasn’t read them all nor does he want to. He actually thought “You Big Tease” was one of the funniest ones. He KNOWS there’s truth behind the humor. We are VERY secure in our relationship. We joke ALL THE TIME about our sex life, at least we can laugh about it. As far as “he already gave me the pants to wear” Due to our lack of sex life WE BOTH wear our pants! (Just kidding) I hate that saying because why does one have to be dominant over the other? It’s so stupid! We’re a team. We love each other. Were not perfect but who is?
Your comment: “Have fun with your daydreams” Who has time for daydreams? IM LIVING THE DREAM!
Best wishes to you and please keep the comments coming. It is mainly women reading this blog so it’s good to hear a man’s perspective!


  1. "After 14 years of marriage, TRUST ME, we’ve talked."

    WOW! 14 years and now your trying to still change the way he is? Maybe the problem isn't really him. People make me laugh expecting to change one another. Dont get me wrong as you mature and grow together things always change. But your deep personality rarely will ever change.

    You should go look in the mirror and put a picture of you from 14 yrs ago and ask yourself what is different about you, from then to now?

    I know alot of women are probably reading this and saying "HE IS MISSING THE FUCKING POINT". Well thats not true. Ok, you want your husband to do more, thats fine. If he helps out and takes the time to help great, he gets bonus points. Well, just think back, ask yourself if he really has ever done any of that? Did you give him the opportunity to not have to do that? Basically, did you mold him that way and did you except it that way? And now you want to go back and start over and change it all. (He is probably like what the FUCK!) oh, and yes you women do mold us from the begining of every relationship you try to get us to be that guy you always wanted and yes we try to be that guy you always wanted (probably to just hit it, ha!).

    All I can think is that this isn't the right way to do it. And, if he really is reading all this and laughs at it. Then he really doesnt give a shit about what your problems really are. You both have issues that obviously you need to work through.


    Going back and forth from men to women is just stirring things up. You want to know what a man thinks about all this? Its a joke, you cant have everything. Even if he (your husband) did change all this. I believe (YOU) still would find something to complain about. (YOU) dont want to have sex. (YOU) have a problem. (YOU) dont need to push it to your husband. (YOU) NEED HELP!

    I'll give it to the women in general. They do alot more these days. Some stay at home being a mom, work as well, come home clean, cook, take care of family. I'm sure there just askin for a bit more help. Well ask already, and dont be dissapointed if it takes time. Now, in your case 14 yrs (whatever good luck). But in most cases I'm sure a man will figure it out but if you ask him to jump, dont expect him to ask how high! Oh one more thing. A man doesn't like not knowing his own wife doesn't want to have sex with him and on top of it having half the world knowing she doesn't want sex with him.

    I don't know you but someone does that read these im sure and that as a man will bother him.

  2. Mrs Hate-to-Have-Sex-with-your-Husband,

    Ummmm...are you kidding me...better yet, are you kidding yourself? My guess is the latter. While I "get it" as to what you are trying to accomplish with your cutesy little blog, you are in no way pulling the wool over the male eyes reading it.

    I agree, for the most part, with Mr. Anonymous. And if you're expecting any of us to believe this love you share with your hubby is a natural one...again I say, your reality may work for you but I am sure it does NOT work for your "beloved husband," no matter what he tells you!

    It seems a standard scape goat scenario, ie; "I work too and do everything else around the house and I am too tired to have sex." I guess as long as you have a firm grip on the vaginal reigns, your hubby is at your mercy. I say to that...what a shame!

    A marriage is a partnership, no doubt your husband could do more for YOU...but it is obvious by your blog posts...that YOU could do quite a bit more for him. Why don't you try it the other way...instead of insisting that your guy do more in the kitchen before you do more in the bout you do more in the bedroom and see what happens because it sounds like it's been a while since that option has been exercised. Not all guys are looking for a wham bam experience...maybe yours IS. If so, sorry.

    But as you DON'T like having sex and Mr. Anonymous hit it on the head, you're blaming a lack of "something" on the reason why.

    If the tinkering of dishes makes you HORNY should know that the simplest of things you do for us makes us equally interested in helping you out. Just like the simplest of things you do speaks to us as if you were to hold a bull horn to our ear. I laughed out loud and cried a little in my eye when I read your description about your bedtime uniform...blah blah blah...layer after layer...not to keep warm, but to thwart any interest from Mr. Right. Before you know it, you will get what you are asking for...NO SEX, along with no love and no husband. Probably in that order.

    Just some food for thought as you contemplate your next blog topic...ooops, there we go back to the clattering of food/dishes...if you ever get back in the sack in something other than a sub zero rated pad locked parka...I am sure he won't mind if you yell out "Dawn" or "Palmolive" or even "Kitchen Aid"...if that helps you get in the mood.

    Oh you sudsy, naughty girl...Good luck!

    PS- I'm just commenting to help your comments out...I am now going to rub naked up against my cute little wife...just like she likes it. Tonight maybe I will be the one dressed up like a school girl...just to keep it interesting.

  3. All I can say is all men hear is NO SEX and that's it so you just keep writing for us WOMEN who not only get it, but actually LISTEN to what you're saying! (go figure)...

  4. To the women behind comment number 3:

    I do believe you ARE one of the women who not only "get it" but rarely "get it" because all you say is NO to sex...GET IT??? (it sure does figure...)

  5. To BradleyTee-
    I just "got it" last night, get it? So I do get it...and "get it" and give it...
