Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A comment I would like to share...

I had a comment I would like to share:

I've enjoyed your blog, but I don't see why I'm supposed to pay you for it.

First off: THANK YOU for reading my blog and I'm so thrilled you have enjoyed it!! I don't expect ANYONE to donate to my cause of weight loss and a better sex life that doesn't absolutely want to. I just deiced to try a new approach of accountability, working towards a goal, and testing some theories. I would LOVE for you to continue to read my blog even if you don't feel the need to donate.

Update: I raised $3.00 my first day!!!! I got on my treadmill last night at 9:30 pm and walked 2 miles. I will walk another mile today. I put on some AC DC and got my groove on! It felt great but not quite great enough to want to have sex... but it's only the first day so we'll see. I also have been calling my husband everyday at work to let him know I love him. I feel as though I'm on the right track! Got to get to work, I will keep you all updated! Thanks for your support!!


  1. YOU GO GIRL! And just remember when you're walking on that treadmill to shake that booty but watch out for the "Whoop there it is" song...

  2. Ok, so I have been shown your blog by my wife and I find it interesting. The following are my thoughts.

    I currently think my wife and I could compete with you for "the worst" sex life. 10+ years of marriage, 3 kids with one being a just over 1 year have taken the toll on us. I, being male, do think with my lower head like pretty much like every male out there. And yes your "whoop there it is" post would apply to me as well, you wanna know why? Well you never know when that split second of horny might happen. Don't get me wrong I know I am a little annoying with it but I would take anything I can get right now.

    My wife expresses your same contempt for her body as you do, childbirth has done its damage... to the both of us! My sympathy weight came on with hers. My wife tells me that she is not happy with her body and that is why she would rather not have sex. She doesn't feel sexy. I am nothing to look at right now either but I am working on it. I know my wife loves me I just wish that physical connection was there and more frequent. I have yet to meet or even hear about the woman that is into sex, that isn't getting paid for it, like men are. We are interested in having sex pretty much at anytime in anyplace. Do you enjoy sex? Do you have sex with your husband to get it over with or to please yourself? Do you have the big O every time? Do you tell your husband what you want? The answer to these will reveal some issues I think.

    I think your goal for $5000 is great and I am pretty sure you will get “donations” from your husband as well if he is smart.

    But while I mention him let me tell you something about the picture you paint about him. You paint with your words as well as Bob Ross painting some happy little trees. Your husband sounds like a Jack Ass. Does he dig ditches for a living? Is his job stressful? Missile command? Air traffic control? Construction? A 3 hour nap after work? Are you fu***** kidding me? I have worked some shitty jobs in my day but after 1 week I am used to the schedule and can function after work. You say your husband reads this blog, well I hope he reads this part, GROW UP! The days of Ward and June Cleaver died out long ago. Participate with your family before it is only weekends that you get to see your kids. Ok that might have been a little harsh but if the painting that I am looking at fits the subject, I don't think I am.

    I have a pretty easy job. I am a desk jockey in the technical field, but I worked hard to get where I am. I help out at home quite a bit if I do say so myself. My day would be like this. Wake up with the kids and help with them to be ready to be out the door for school; go to work; come home and help with kids, house, dinner, whatever; help get the kids to bed; spend time doing my own things and hang out with the wife till she falls asleep or I do. Personally I run on about 5-6 hours of sleep, more then that and I feel worse off. I know I could be the exception to the rule that you state but that is how I feel things in a modern home should be.

    I am not saying that your situation is any better than mine, but I see your switches quite clearly. If I knew that “dishes = sex” you would never see a dish in the sink. You are laying out the treasure map for your husband. Hell if this was Dora the Explorer some freaky little map would be jumping up and down right now yelling "LAWN, DISHES, PLEASURE VALLEY!"

    I am interested to follow you along on your journey and see where or what becomes of this. I will probably comment again but I will try to keep it brief. Maybe I can find the Treasure map at my house along the way.

  3. That is some funny crap mr. Anonymous!
    I like it, I really do!

  4. OH MY GOSH!!! I want to know and meet Mr. Anonymous and wish he would council your hubby daily! He actually LISTENED and GOT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG! A man that work, helps at home, listens to his wife, HOW REFRESHING!!!

  5. Me again. What you might of missed from my prior post is my sex life is almost nonexistent. So I don't have the answers and my participation at home doesn't increase wife's participation in the bedroom. I need the map badly!

  6. All I have to say is these posts do not make me want to get married any time soon...ah the joys of being single!
